A huge red toad appeared behind Tam.

Then they merged with Tam.
Soon Tam became a giant toad ten meters high.
The amazing body instantly to the front three gold pet beast.
Produce a very great sense of oppression.
A masked man looked at Tam with a solemn face.
"A gold star pet beast has such strength. This is the strength of the wild ten seats …"
Feeling that Yu Nan is becoming more and more certain.
If we can’t solve the land source in a short time
Even if they destroy the ship’s communication equipment

There was a bang when the commander was about to move, and the whole screen went dark to direct the whole downtime. A familiar sound came to Commander Arthur’s ear.

"Commander Arthur, long time no see!" It is commander Arthur who sees a thorn in his side, Zhao Li and Zhao Crazy.
Chapter four hundred and forty-five Chen Yong’s return
"Zhao crazy!" Commander Arthur almost snapped the name, and then he jumped up as if he couldn’t believe it. "How did you know it was me?"
"Is there anything strange about this?" Before Zhao Liren’s voice appeared, Commander Arthur’s ear rang, "I knew from the time I knew that General Lucas had a clone of body double that you were definitely not dead."
Although this reason is far-fetched, it is still acceptable. I wonder how depressed Commander Arthur would be if he knew that he was recognized by an orderly who was responsible for sweeping the floor.
"Dudu" alliance command system flashed back to the screen and started up again in less than half a minute, but this time was enough for Zhao Li to appear in front of Commander Arthur.
"Commander Arthur ordered surrender!" Zhao Li looked at Commander Arthur and shook his head with regret. "It is meaningless to fight now."
"This battle is not your command?" In the screen, the federal attack continued in an orderly way, while Zhao Liren appeared here. Commander Arthur suddenly understood everything.
"It’s a pity," Zhao Li nodded with a smile. "I know you wanted to give me a hard lesson on the battlefield and let you down once."
"Tell me who that commander is?" Commander Arthur instantly languished to fight Zhao Li, but I didn’t expect to finish it. That’s not the most important thing. The key is that the battle was actually lost
"Surrender in shillings!" Zhao Li looked at Commander Arthur calmly. "I will explain your question in detail. You can see that person at any time."
"alas!" Commander Arthur looked at the screen and was surrounded by a tight division. The defeated alliance fleet sighed and shook its head. "Order to surrender!"
Next to the staff has been watching Zhao Li and Arthur commander-in-chief confrontation, heard Arthur commander-in-chief ordered the people to look at each other, and reached a surrender order in the fast military system
After the order arrived, a group of armed soldiers poured in and took all the staff officers and senior generals to the scene, leaving Zhao Li and Commander Arthur behind.
"How did you know I had a reserve team?" Commander Arthur just sat there, and a burst of crazy command has exhausted him. Zhao Li kindly sent him a cup of coffee, and they talked slowly like ordinary people.
"Because I have it, too." Zhao Li’s answer seems to be very simple in logic, but it seems very reasonable after careful consideration. This answer makes people feel that I have something, and I think you have it, too.
"Where did those warships come from later?" Commander Arthur asked some questions in distress situation.
At this time of "Chen Yong Independent Army", Zhao Li has no need to hide and speak frankly.
"You made an alliance with him?" The news shocked Commander Arthur, and then suddenly, "Sure enough, I felt that I had overlooked something from the beginning. No one would have thought that the Independent Army would form an alliance with you when it was impossible to fight with you."
After knowing this, Commander Arthur has nothing to say. One last request: "I want to meet your fleet commander. If you dare to use the main fleet as bait commander, I will die unsatisfied!"
The alliance fleet surrendered as a whole, but even so, the original 40,000-odd warships are less than 20,000 at the moment, and the loss of the federal fleet is not much better. There are almost 10,000 warships.
Fortunately, many warships have been destroyed by power, and the hull is still intact, and the soldiers inside are still alive. In this way, it is fortunate that there are thousands of ships.
The task of cleaning the battlefield is complicated, and such a big battlefield is not so easy to clean up. While the soldiers are cleaning the battlefield, Zhao Li has returned to his flagship.
"Congratulations, General Song!" Zhao Li did not hesitate to congratulate him before returning to the flagship.
"I don’t seem to be a general, sir." Song Li looked at Zhao Li with the same smile and excitement. "There is no promise yet." It is understandable that no matter who commands such a war and wins, he will be excited, even if he is a level 9 master, he will control his emotions in the same way.
"I said you are you!" Zhao Li slapped Song on the shoulder and suddenly remembered what the old warden had said to himself a long time ago. At this time, he couldn’t help repeating, "I am a noodle!"
Although this sentence sounds very arrogant, it is not an exaggeration at all. Zhao Li’s status as commander-in-chief of the high command and Song distance are so great that a general is simply a problem
"I want you to like it!" Zhao Li was equally excited until now. "I want the world to know that you are our federal hero!" "
"Sir, I don’t suggest you do this." Song seems to have recovered and persuaded Zhao Li calmly. "The commander of this battle is you and not me."
"Odbo, I’m not a robber." Zhao Li looked at Song Distance and shook his head. "Don’t worry, even if I don’t win this battle, I’m also a high-profile person in the Federation." Zhao Li felt that Song Distance must be afraid that he would cover up his credit, so what he said was very patient.
"People like me are not suitable to appear at the front desk." Song Li smiled. "If my true identity is exposed, all of us will be devastated. I can’t guarantee that all human beings don’t know me. I don’t want us to get this scene because of my own reasons."
Song Li’s identity is illegal, which is denied by Zhao’s legislation. At the same time, Song Li said that it makes sense that all human beings can’t recognize Song Li, and everyone can’t know that once his affairs are exposed, everyone will be implicated. However, this denies Song Li’s contribution, but Zhao Li can’t say it.
"Don’t worry, sir!" Song is still hesitant to see Zhao Li. Naturally, I know what he is hesitant about. "I am honored to be able to serve you, sir, and thank you for believing me like this." He gave Zhao Li a solemn military salute.
Zhao Li finally made a decision after returning the gift seriously. "Tell me anyway, but the high command will definitely know about you."
"Deal!" Song from readily promised to two people at the same time with a smile.
The news of the federal victory flew back to the rear high command. After receiving the news, Ma investigated and confirmed that the battle had really won and that the opposing commander had been captured alive. After that, Ma informed the federal government of the news.
Kang Hongyuan immediately launched the campaign of federal propaganda tools, winning the good news in ten minutes, and the whole territory of the Federation was filled with joy and thunder.
At the same time, this good news announced that there was another shocking news. Chen Yong’s independent army immediately announced its participation in the Federation. A few years later, the independent army returned to the embrace of the Federation. At the same time, the independent army also sent a large fleet and took the main battle during the campaign.
At the same time, the independent army announced a cheer from the federal planet to the independent army’s control of the planet. The people simply believed that they heard and saw that no matter what planet was inhabited, the place was a scene of jubilation. After the war, people suppressed their excitement and spontaneously carnival.
Everyone can’t help but think that this battle is a decisive battle. As we all know, the military forces of both sides have almost made a decisive battle. However, the victory of this battle is directly related to the success or failure of the Federation and the alliance. It can be said that this victory has laid the foundation for the Federation to completely recover all its territory.
After half a day, the battlefield was cleaned up and the results were counted. At the end of the battle, the two sides mobilized nearly 100,000 warships, and the alliance side and the Tibetan front fleet were destroyed, and 21,000 warships were injured, and 12,000 were removed. Other departments surrendered and were captured by the Federation, while the Federation side and the independent warships were destroyed, and 14,000 warships were injured, which can be said to be a heavy loss.
However, after the first world war, the Federation has completely mastered the absolute majority of the armed forces alliance, and those warships left can only support simple defense. The quantity and quality are absolute advantages, and it is also a matter of time before the Federation fleet is destroyed.
Contrary to the Federation, the alliance is in a gloomy state, and everyone is on pins and needles. The defeat of the battle makes all the leading figures feel powerless, but on the contrary, the people at the lower level seem to be very happy. Even if the gendarmes patrol back and forth, some people will secretly celebrate.
No way, the war has lost people’s hearts so much that everyone has a perverted desire for peace. The original alliance was established, and everyone felt that peace was coming for a short time, but soon the two superpowers, the Federation and the alliance, ended the war. No matter how the two sides fight, it can be concluded that a long-term peace will surely be ushered in, but from the heart, the victory of the Federation will be more acceptable to everyone than the victory of this alliance.
People’s crazy reaction Zhao Li is not too much. Note that it is something that Kang Hongyuan should note. After Zhao Li cleaned the battlefield, the horse returned with all the fleets. The captive fleet needed to be reorganized and defeated. The sacrifice soldiers needed to be compensated. These are all things that need Zhao Lixin. More importantly, Chen Yong has returned to the Federation and came to Bai Niao planet.
Chen Yong is the father of Sister Ban, and Zhao Li, whether in public or private, should receive the reception ceremoniously, and Zhao Li will rush back.
No one has said anything about the independence army since it was independent not long ago, so no one should have said anything about the independence army earlier. No one will pursue what Chen Yong will be independent in those years. Anyway, the high-level base also knows that no matter what the reason was, it is important that the independence army has returned to the Federation and has made great contributions to the Federation.
The first thing Zhao Li did when he got back was to attend the meeting of Commander Lucas’ Urgent High Command. As expected, he met General Chen Yong.
The first thing before the meeting was to arrest a commander-in-chief. Commander Lucas showed his evidence of collaboration with the enemy and cited the fact that he was a clone. Everyone was shocked and accepted the ending.
Then the high command meeting held two topics, one was that Chen Yong joined the high command and became the No.2 commander, and the other was that there was no doubt about rewarding officers and men who participated in the campaign. Two topics were passed.
Song from things Zhao Li didn’t break his word. The high command meeting came out to everyone, including the identity of Song from the point out and relayed the final decision of Song from.
Everyone nodded in recognition of this decision. The Federation needs a radiant Zhao Crazy, but it can’t erase the fact that Song is far from the credit. Song is far from Zhao Li’s discussion. The problem has become a general, and it has been promoted to the third level directly to the major general!
"Well, everything in mountbatten, I mean everyone, everything stops here." Commander Lucas finally summed up. "mountbatten prison was robbed, all the prison guards were killed, and Zhao Feng survived. All the prisoners were destroyed by the final defense mechanism during the prison robbery. Am I clear enough?"
How can you not understand the meaning of Commander Lucas when everyone is a child prodigy? Commander Lucas won’t. Commander Chen Yong won’t. Federal head Kang Hongyuan won’t. So who will risk offending Zhao Li to pursue such a trivial matter? Besides, if you want to pursue it, will Kang Hongyuan be pursued? Where’s Ban Yunchan?
The ending was very satisfactory, even Zhao Li was very satisfied. After Chen Yong’s welcome, Zhao Li returned to the army and told the special task force commander Lucas’ order. Everyone cheered. Zhao Li suddenly realized that commander Lucas said this, does it mean that Professor Hans will not be investigated either?
Chapter four hundred and forty-six The last card
Pa, a delicate and abnormal milk can directly hit the wall and turned into fragments. The exquisite bone China fragments and the lights are still so soft and greasy.
Mao is another time, this time a candy can has been filled with several coffee cup fragments, and the furious owner is still mad to vent his anger
The old man wearing a mask is shaking at the moment, and the mask covers his face and can’t see his expression, but it is conceivable what kind of mood he is now.
"More than 40,000 warships were annihilated in World War I, and Arthur finally surrendered!" A low voice like a roar came out of the mask man’s throat. "Idiot!"
"No one thought that this guy Chen Yong would have hooked up with Zhao Crazy." A gentle-looking man sitting opposite turned a blind eye to the masked old man’s actions of throwing several exquisite coffee and porcelain. It was a faint excuse. "It should be possible to eat Zhao Crazy if you want to add the original fleet. Who knew that an independent army would come halfway?"
The speaker is not wearing a mask to cover his face. If the alliance people see it, they will be surprised. This speaker is impressively newly elected president of the alliance.
"Do intelligence departments grow up eating shit?" The masked old man is still angry. "I don’t believe that the appearance of Chen Yong’s fleet is such a sign that all the spies in his team are dead?"
"According to the later data analysis, they were indeed discovered," the president of the alliance replied faintly. "The other party has strong interference ability, and all the messages can’t be sent back, and when both the east and the west were intercepted, they all lost their joint spies. What’s the difference between being discovered and being dead?"

"It turned out that Meng’s mother-in-law felt that her mother-in-law had an extraordinary history. I didn’t expect it to be an ancient brother and mother-in-law. Who is it?"

"Named been …"
"It is still a pool familiar with senior master …"
"It turned out that Meng’s mother-in-law felt that her mother-in-law had an extraordinary history. I didn’t expect it to be an ancient brother and mother-in-law. Who is it?"
"Named been …"
Chapter one thousand one hundred and sixty-three Flowers brilliant
Upon hearing what the senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang suddenly sighed, "It turns out that Meng’s mother-in-law was once a empress in her previous life. No wonder her strength is so strong …"
"Brother, it seems more like a complete lotus after the fusion of the three realms. It has calyx, stem and finish …"
"Not bad"
This change, the Baiyun Tower has also been discovered early, but it was suddenly flashed by Xiao Chaoyang when he woke up.
Xianbianhua …
The immortal emperor once ran into the flowers on the other side of the fairy, which should fit the three realms very well. Perhaps it is the chance of the transformation of the three realms that can help him get rid of a large amount of robbery in the future.
Xia Chaoyang, who sensed the senior brother’s mind, immediately said, "When you stay in the big astrolabe array, you should be able to restart it. Then you can go to the small world outside the country through the star channel. Maybe it’s not clear that some fairy gods, exotic flowers and herbs are sensing your breath and throwing themselves at you directly …"
Looking at the school sister’s high-spirited appearance, the Baiyun Tower will gently embrace it in your arms, and laughed. "The astrolabe large array is not so good. It will take several years for the seal to completely dissipate in the future …"
After a short meal, he suddenly asked softly, "Do you have any special places to go while people are disturbing you these two days?"
"Little Flower Spirit is asleep, and Sister Ziyan is also closed. Let’s settle it for the elder brother …" Xia Chaoyang leaned on the elder brother’s arms to be lazy and didn’t want to move.
"Let’s go back to the hospital first. After all, it’s a place to witness our growth."
"Brother, why don’t you go to Zhao’s house first or where we first met …"
"School sister has the final say, haha …"
"Just greedy don’t laugh at me …"
It coincides with the spring blossoms, and the new foothills are full of beautiful spring scenery.
With Lang Lang reading Baiyun Tower, they walked leisurely on the mountain road.
The Zhao family had a good time and arrived at the hospital in the afternoon.
Quietly returning to the Mid-Levels Yard, I kept the courtyard for four people, and took care of the Baiyun Tower. I took advantage of a picture full of spring, and Xia Chaoyang left a poem for the occasion.
Although this refined house reserved a small courtyard for four people, it should be opened to the school by Princess Chaoyang. The array is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it has suddenly become a holy place for self-study in the new foot courtyard.
The stone table left a poem and a picture scroll for the predestined relationship, and the two of them slowly came to the top of Xinlu Mountain Peak.
Looking at the high stone tablet, two people bow down and salute.
Don’t want two people to salute the two zhangs gaoshibei unexpectedly cracked.
Baiyun Tower reacted quickly and immediately resisted the avatar to stabilize the imaginary regular force, and the stone tablet was restored in an instant.
"Cloud Tower Chaoyang, how can you bear such a gift as this small stone tablet?"
With a long laugh, Shanchang and Xiashigu flicker out.
"This stone tablet contains the will of the sages of the past dynasties. It’s nothing to bear …"
Say, "The big sleeve of Baiyun Tower flickers. Some people’s rules have changed slightly."
Then when they bowed down again, the stone tablet not only didn’t break, but added a charm.
"Or do you have ideas for the younger generation? Haha …" The mountain leader immediately caressed his beard and laughed.
Xia Shigu also nodded slightly and then walked beside Xiao Chaoyang and told him to get up.
"Chaoyang, now you have a family. You can’t be as sexual as before …"
"Since you have chosen the skills of being a fairy and being a woman, you have to try to practice one or two knitting needlework xiangfu teachings …"
"Uh, good …" Zhao-yang xia smell speech suddenly some stupidly but still follow the woman should come.

Li Xuandao took a deep breath and suddenly clenched his fist. His eyes firmly said, "Only strength is the truth in heaven and earth. If you want to solve your doubts and revenge in previous lives, only absolute strength can break all the fog!"

With that, Li Xuandao told Ao Guang not to disturb, and then he fell to the northern pagoda and closed it.
After Li Xuandao swallowed six elixirs, the aura was absorbed, and the elixir species had condensed and broken through, that is, he dared not delay drilling into the pagoda, and then he opened six towers to hide the power of crazy refining.
Time is like water.
Li Xuandao was immersed in cultivation, and I don’t know that after a few days, it took four pagoda forces to finally practice three kinds of elixirs.
From a distance, the size of three fists is suspended behind Li Xuandao’s head.
However, these three elixirs look very unreal and have no golden light flashing, and they are seeds that have not been completely condensed.
"If you want to practice an elixir, you must not be impatient. Now I will have two remaining pagoda forces to refine and then make a breakthrough." Li Xuandao still remembers that Honghuang Zulong told patience to suppress and sharpen his elixir.
Although he is not eager to feather and soar above the world, the higher the level of then, the greater the strength and the more terrible it is.
Brahma’s conciseness is an elixir. If you have three elixirs, how can you be an opponent of Brahma?
You know, a gap between masters is like a natural barrier
When then, Li Xuandao can make up for the gap by virtue of fairy magic. However, this gap will be limited to expand and regret when the eternal world is Du Jie.
Even if you can’t cope with a Brahma, it’s like fighting against the ancient deity Sun Rusheng and the dragon emperor who have transcended heaven and earth.
"Don’t do it or do your best!" Li Xuandao dark drink a enemy heart more perfect.
He left two pagodas open, and immediately he had exhausted his vitality and rushed into his body like burst water.
Time flies in a hurry.
I don’t know when Li Xuandao absorbed the power of the last two pagoda buildings, but Li Xuandao still didn’t rush to break through. He deliberately suppressed his self-cultivation, slowly absorbed the dragon’s vitality and patiently polished it for then.
Then regret!
There is no room for regret in this life after you practice then.
In ancient times, Li Xuandao’s conciseness was an elixir, but there were also three levels of the elixir. At that time, Li Xuandao had to break through and practice first class because of the enemy’s siege.
Because of this, the road behind him is extremely bumpy.
When the Fifth Emperor competed for the throne, he almost changed the throne without the support of Guan Yaoguang and Sun Rusheng and the sword method of making the gods cry and slaying the gods.
Now that reincarnation has finally given him a chance to come back, how can he miss this opportunity?
Even if he can’t wait to break through at once, he also knows that the cultivation method should not be impatient, otherwise the unstable foundation will generally take more mind to make up for it.
Dangdang dang!
When Li Xuandao was about to polish for a while before making a breakthrough, the pagoda suddenly rang with crisp copper bells.
This is the alarm bell of heaven and earth. It seems that something happened in Longgu. AoGuangcai had to interrupt Li Xuandao’s practice.
"What happened?"
Li Xuandao walked out of the pagoda and saw Ao Guang’s gloomy face suddenly rising with a very bad feeling.
Ao Guang look sad voice slightly into tears quiver said "Li Xuandao patriarch he … dying, he has urgent things to see you, you are quick to come with me."
Li Xuandao was surprised. Although he knew that Chen Daoyang, a great mountain ape, was fierce, he didn’t expect it to be so fierce that Aolang, who had just broken through the ages, was about to fall.
But he also didn’t want to follow Ao Guang to Aolang Jingu.
When you step into the shrine, you can see that the whole hall is occupied by crowds. Every dragon looks sad and automatically gives Li Xuandao a way to the end of the hall. Aolang, who used to be calm and sophisticated, is now sitting in a golden chair.
His tired eyes flashed with a touch of ashes, but his smile was brilliant and he waved to Li Xuandao, "Li Xuandao, you are finally here."
"Chief, who are you?" Li Xuandao before buckle Aolang pulse heart a slight shock.
Aolang’s body, several meridians, have been destroyed by force, and his insides are even more alive. Now his breath is like wind, fire and candle, as if he could fall down at any time.
"The great magical power of the ancient gods really deserves its name. Now I have lost my heart in Chen Daoyang’s hand."
Aolang by Li Xuandao holding wrist indifferently chuckled "old cumin lived for too long and died, but it’s a pity that I don’t have these children and grandchildren in my life."
"Li Xuandao, I have a request. I wonder if you can answer it?"
Chapter 39 Buried history!
Chapter 39 Buried history!
"yes?" Li Xuandao heart yishan consciousness asked!
Although he is well-informed and well-informed, the elixir can be refined to the fullest, and he is sure to refine it, but Aolang’s vitality has been destroyed and it has been exhausted.
For this dragon, almost all the old dragons, Li Xuandao, are sincerely respected, just as in ancient times, when peace and freedom were fought, the human emperor was a respectable figure
"Li Xuandao, you promise me first, or you will die unsatisfied." Aolang sighed tactfully as if afraid of Li Xuandao’s refusal.
Li Xuandao thoughtfully for a long time faintly guessed Aolang’s dying entrustment: "The heads of the fathers can rest assured that I will never be trampled on in Li Xuandao Longgu."
"No, Li Xuandao, you are wrong."
Aolang gently shook his head and said lightly, "Longgu is just a cage for us." If it weren’t for the whole Xuan Huang Dalu, we would have left here. "
"What do you mean by the patriarch?" Li Xuandao asked with surprise.
Aolang smiled and pointed to the seat beside him. "Come to Li Xuandao, please sit down first. Let me tell you about this burial history. It is well known that the turbulent dragons in East China suddenly disappeared overnight 300 years ago, but do you know what happened at the beginning?"
Li Xuandao heart awe-inspiring know the topic to hurriedly sit big chair to listen to the way "I don’t know the younger generation also please the heads of families to dispel doubts".
"It’s an ancient deity!"
Aolang heaved a sigh of relief, and his face was calm, telling the story of this buried history. "I don’t know who created the ancient gods to take another way to seize the nature of heaven and earth, which is different from ordinary cultivation methods. It can transform into ten thousand families before it keeps the characteristics of terran."
"If this kind of achievement method is extremely powerful, people will not be able to detect it if it changes into heaven and earth."
After a pause, Aolang’s eyes flashed and said, "You should have guessed by now, right?"
Listening to Aolang’s story, Li Xuandao’s heart set off a huge wave
Refining and refining pure herbs by adopting the essence and blood of ten thousand families can also transform into ten thousand families before maintaining the characteristics of terran.
If so, is there a difference between practicing Taihua Dragon Tactics and ancient gods?
"Chief of the clan, do you mean that the ancient gods collected Jingxue from the dragon and incarnated the dragon into the dragon?" Li Xuandao put heart doubt tried asked.

"Yes, this is the embryonic form of the lunar ancient scripture, which was burned at the stage of Ren Huang’s enlightenment."

Li Yu suddenly here is the native land of Taiyin Ren Huang, where his palace was founded and buried, which engraved his enlightenment!
Compared with the ancient scriptures, this is the real treasure and the most precious thing left to future generations, and it will not limit them!
There is no shortage of laws in the world to master. What kind of Tao is it? It is a kind of fitting lunar essence, and it has risen to the method of controlling the source of the universe.
Different people have different ways, and every preacher has his own unique way. This is the deepest experience.
"The sun and the moon confirm each other that the source of the universe is vast and profound. Even two Ren Huang dare not say that their road has come to an end. Everyone has a personal law …
I’m too cloudy and the sun is too bright.
Kunpeng? It’s not that it’s the predecessor’s law, not my law. It’s the predecessor’s unique road, but it’s not the most suitable way for me to go, but it will end after all. "
Li Yu was attracted by Chuangfa Road before sitting in the former residence of Ren Huang in Taiyin, and silently realized and thought about it.
He mastered the sun, the two emperors of Taiyin, and learned the Kunpeng method, but he didn’t transform his own things, which is exactly what he needs to learn from nutrients and transform himself.
It is good to learn too many profound methods, but there are also shackles that are easily influenced when the realm is still low and deviate from one’s own line. Now Li Yu naturally pays more attention to it before making a cut.
"I feel something is wrong with the old ancient don’t want to cut here? His monster-like inside story might kill himself, but it’s weird and powerful, but it’s more and more shackled. "
The black emperor is worried. I can’t say it’s difficult, and it’s easy to say it’s easy because of people, so don’t say for sure.
In particular, a demon like the King of Man may fall into the most difficult situation and encounter the most terrible robbery once he cuts the road.
"No, although he stood in front of the chopping road, he hasn’t stepped in yet. Now he still realizes the integration of his own body and path, otherwise there is no need to plan Yin and Yang. He wants to take this opportunity to see more thoroughly and make the chopping road smoother, or he is half-pedaling in like those old monsters in the world."
Duan De is more experienced, and it is not a hasty decision. It will not be so fast.
Moreover, the posture of Laogu is that Enlightenment integrates its own path with the help of Ren Huang’s artistic conception of creating law, which is more like precipitation and polishing of quenching sword in furnace.
The most important thing is that this guy must be a high-profile director of the wind. It is absolutely necessary to disturb the day. How can it be so calm?
The black emperor’s smell speech is deep and low-key, unlike the old style. He only keeps a low profile when he is fishing, and more often he is flying and bullying.
"Yin and Yang means Yin and Yang?"
Li Yu’s two mother classics, Kunpeng Faqi, are exploring their own Yin and Yang.
His body is flowing, Bao Hui, and every inch of blood and flesh is full of powerful force, which makes the blood flow sound sacred and solemn. The audio and video is thunder and rumbling. If someone is here, most of them will be stunned.
Gradually, in the rush of blood, a sound slowly emerged. This former residence of Ren Huang resonated with melodious and ancient songs.
"There is a ghost in the northwest of the day, and the state-owned dragon holds a candle and shines."
"Candle dragon also said that Yin Candle has a snake face."
"Candle today month name also; The body is the Tao shape. "
The Taoist sound shook the ancestors’ faint Li Yu’s body, which was slowly changing towards some kind of heaven and earth, surrounded by two major sources of yin and yang.
Gradually, his whole body became latosolic red, and his limbs turned into one. The whole person seemed to turn into a word "Tao" and become a source!
At this moment, he closed his eyes, and the whole Yuyuan fell into the eternal darkness, with interest and fluctuation, and everything went to the cathode and everything withered.
"This … this … what happened?"
The black emperor Duan De is horrified. This is so bizarre that people can’t react to the change.
Instead of waiting for them to think about the figure like’ Tao’ and open their eyes, Yu Yuanliang is as bright as the day, and everything is thriving, and everything goes to the anode and everything goes to Iraq.
Yin and yang are in one body shape!
"Is the old ancient he realized his Yin and Yang? How did it become like this? "
"This is a god! How can he realize a divine form and what kind of enchanting qualifications he has? "
Duan De’s black emperor choked for a while, and this realization of Yin and Yang gave birth to a deity?
What a monster! This is!
At this moment, the shock in their hearts is indescribable, and they look at Li Yu in the field. Now he is in a divine state, just like a word’ Tao’, which is as deep and vast as the source.
If you look at it, you will face the snake, but your eyes will be red. If you look at it, you will not eat or sleep. The wind and rain will blow the wind in winter and breathe in summer.
"Candle dragon, Yin Candle, Yin and Yang are one. Is this my Yin and Yang?"
Li Yu’s recovery felt that his divine form had turned into such a combination of Yin and Yang.
At this time, the change is not over yet. He not only cultivated the divine form, but also two visions emerged behind Candle dragon with his eyes open and closed.
It is said that they are two strands, but in fact they are one body. Both sides are a complete vision. See a huge black sphere hanging on his left and a white middle ring floating on his right, which looks like the sun and the moon, but it is mysterious compared with Yin and Yang.
"Candle shine? !”
Duan De stunned and blurted out that the two names did not belong to this era but appeared in a more distant era!
In ancient times, some people thought that the original form of the two major sources of heaven and earth was that everything was created by candlelight.
The sun is lunar, and the yin and yang in the two instruments are combined, and the sun candle shines on the moon, and the shadow is born.
Later, four images were born by candlelight, which gave birth to all things in the world. This is also two kinds of sources, but it has not been recognized by many people.
"A deity, a vision, and a half-foot stepped into the road. This trip is worthwhile!"
Li Yu laughed at such an opportunity, and he seemed to have experienced a hundred years of trance and enlightenment reflection.
After a long time, he calmed down, and as if he had been stimulated by a divine vision, a magnificent giant palace Bao appeared in front of him, which was still complete
Over the years, it will stand still, and the historical sites are full of stains and spots. Bathing too much yin and essence exudes the vicissitudes of life.

"I probably don’t know what’s going on. No wonder Huang Yunlong has become so radical. If it’s because he found an unexpected backer, then all this will be explained." Hangyu touched a handful of Balslightly and thought, "Well, you should go to the room first to avoid unnecessary casualties."

Hang Yu asked Cao Rui Lin Lan several people to avoid it first.
They have level 5, and they don’t play much in such a battle.
After all, this is the real world. If you die, you can’t come back to life.
Why do you ask Hang Yu so much about them?
They are Su Yun Iceman!
It will be him soon!
Shouldn’t the boss take care of his hands?
Cao Rui Lin Lan showed hesitation Su Yunbing nodded to them and several people immediately retreated to the wing.
"If Huang Yunlong really has such a strong fighting capacity," Su Zhengcheng suggested, "We can’t beat it, so it’s better to retreat first to avoid the wind."
Hang Yu shook his head.
The main door then hit.
A little girl with beautiful silvery white hair and a hat came out of the room timidly. When she saw Su Yunbing and Su Zhengcheng, two strangers, she immediately showed nervousness and formality.
"Let Xiaobai help!"
She speaks Mandarin, but her poor pronunciation sounds strange.
Su Yunbing and Su Zhengcheng looked immediately at the same time and their expressions became a bit strange.
Is this what Hang Yu calls her sister?
It seems a little different.
Su Yunbing doesn’t know that Xiaobai is Hangyu’s strongest fighting power. When she just crossed over, it was level 7. These days, she has been overeating and supplementing her psionic powers, and her reality has gradually picked up.
The other two people dare to kill them.
This is obviously a strong confidence.
But they won’t think how dangerous Hangyu’s house is.
Light white ability is no longer the mysterious person who is not the earth with high probability.
Hang Yu waved his hand gently and asked Shu Yi to release Shahrukh, the fisherman, and then summoned a big ant to send him to a nearby room and said to Xiaobai
"You just watch."
"You don’t have to do it without my order or at unnecessary times."
"Let me meet them for a while and see what’s going on."
Xiaobai is obedient to Hangyu, and immediately nods to return to the room first.
Now there are Hangyu, Dog, Su Yunbing’s father and daughter, and at this time, two figures suddenly appeared outside the courtyard.

Whew, boom! Xingqi once again evaded the four waves of Qing Ming, but instead of dodging again, he turned his face and looked at Qing Ming, Xuan Tu and Bai He.

Finally, the Qing Ming four people formed a triangle. At last, due to falling into the river, they wanted to stop themselves from the other side, and their physical injuries were scattered. Most of the stars were better. After glancing at the sunset, they thought it was time to settle down.
Hum! It’s dark again, and it’s more than a hundred feet dark than "not good!" When "Qing Ming and Xuan Tu all shouted, they rushed to the front to stop Xingqi from falling into the river and stopped the nebula’s naivety and hidden its strength.
Zheng! Three weapons lit up in the darkness, and Bai He’s axe, Qing Ming’s sword, Xuan Tu’s thin sword, but with Qing Ming’s three pupils, a black flash came quickly.
"Stop it or you will die!" The first thought in Berch’s mind, Berch still believes that the three manpower can still stop the Berch axe from being lifted to the front of * *
"I can’t stop the crisis. Xingyun has calculated that it must be for myself. I must not die!" The first thought in Qing Ming’s mind was that Qing Ming was worried that his former Berch would be misplaced when he flashed to the side, but when he saw the axe, Berch’s face was light, but his body tilted to the other side of Parker.
"What should you do if you are in danger and death flashes?" The first thought in Xuan soil’s mind is that Xuan soil is afraid that it will turn into a flash, but it is even more afraid that Qing Ming will decide now, but let Xuan soil breathe a sigh of relief at this time.
Zi! Black flash suddenly turned a corner and thought about jumping over Berch and pouncing on Qing Ming. Although Berch was happy, he still wanted to fill the gap for Qing Ming, but his eyes were convex, but he knew that he had last stand and could not retreat at this time. He also raised his cold light sword to block black flash.
Zheng! The sword meets the sword, and the Bai He axe blocks the Qing Ming sword, but it blocks the Star Qi sword. Hum, although it is faster this time, it has not been blocked by itself. The Qing Ming face has not yet shown a smug smile, and the Star Qi face has appeared in Qing Ming’s eyes.
Zi! A black fist with blue light bursts out, and his eyes suddenly open, and his face is frightened. At this time, Xuantu took the opportunity to escape. Xingqi had abandoned his left hand, but he should help himself to block a handful of Xuantu and escape everything that happened.
Qing Ming finally realized that he didn’t hate the song at that time. Qing Ming couldn’t wait to smash the Xuan soil to pieces and eat meat and chew bones. * * The marrow "It’s no wonder that I am negative for others first" Qing Ming showed an extremely despicable means of survival in front of the emperor.
Bang, the star, the sky, the fist, hit Berch hard. Whew! A black flame blew out from a strange fist, and a black flame stuck to Berch and roared. A black giant fireworks man appeared.
In the eyes of the emperor, Bai He, who was trying to save his life, pushed to Xingqi Boxing, while Bai Helian, who had no regrets, was reduced to ashes by the flames.
Zheng Qing Ming pulled Bai He to block the fist, but he couldn’t help quarrelling and letting go of the strange yellow spirit sword, skimming the long sword and tattooing it heavily. A small black fireworks also entered the Qing Ming body along the sword.
The star howled at the wrong shoulder of the green ghost, and entered the body. The purple flame was pale and looked at many emperors and the strong, staring at the mysterious soil with suspicion, and quickly flew away into the distance.
"I don’t want to escape!" Howl! Xingqi binged drinking and propped up a blue aperture. He also wanted to chase and nourish more than ten channels of firm but gentle. Suddenly, Xingqi Qingming appeared horizontally. It turned out that the emperor finally joined the war from watching the war.
Bang bang! Xing Qi was smashed, but Qing Ming was hit by a firm but gentle blow. The emperor wanted to stop Xing Qi, and the second was that he didn’t want to be cheap. Qing Ming, a shameful emperor, was too embarrassed. Fortunately, the cliff was not seen by many strong people, or the emperor really had the impulse to split it alive, but the emperor was merciless and firm but gentle didn’t seem to want to leave Qing Ming alive.
Poof! Qing Ming was hit by two firm but gentle blows, flying more than ten feet to the ground, throwing up a few mouthfuls of blood, and once again, he stood royal and fled to the distant jungle. When Starkey roared, it was dark again, and it flashed in his heart, and he suddenly shot away.
Hum! I was hit by a cold hum of falling stars and fell into the river again, and I was also surprised by the move of Qing Ming Xuan soil just now. Seeing that Qing Ming Xuan soil fled from the river, my heart fluctuated and I finally didn’t choose to escape.
"I won’t be afraid of you if I fight on the battlefield." When I fell into the river, I saw Xingqi coming straight at me. His eyes were high and he didn’t hold the long-chain swordsman. A turquoise stick and hook weapon appeared.
Whoo! Seeing another weapon in the hand of falling into the river, Xingqi suddenly stopped. It turned out that the silver soul hook was the one that made me suffer a big loss. Just now, when I was fighting with the Qing Dynasty, I was still muttering something about it, so I didn’t dare to be careless
By swallowing Potomac, Xingqi realized that the silver hook had been removed. This guy can make himself suffer a big loss because of Potomac’s remnant knowledge. Is there still Potomac’s remnant knowledge with the silver hook in his hand? Xingqi is unknown, and Xingqi has great vigilance against the silver hook.
"Evil spirit silver soul hook!" Recognizing the silver soul hook is not the only one. Yang and Vera exclaimed in the dense forest, but Emmy looked at the three people around her with a puzzled face. I couldn’t help thinking, "What is the evil silver soul hook? Go back and check it out."
Feel Amy’s eyes and Borg pretend to be puzzled.
Hum! Xingqi suddenly stopped falling into the river, but the surrounding emperors didn’t stop banging! More than 30 shock waves fell from the sky, covering the stars and wonders. It seems that the emperors have killed the stars and wonders at the same time.
"I depend on your ya, do you want to let people live?" I feel that the sky is stronger than it is, the firm but gentle is bigger, the air pressure is more harsh and roaring, and the battle has never changed color until now, and my face shows a little eagerness.
"Do you want to escape?" Feeling closer and closer, Xingqi bowed his head and thought quickly under the pressure of firm but gentle.
The escape story is Xingqi’s greatest life-saving trump card. When life is not in absolute danger, it is absolutely impossible to expose it. Because Xingqi keeps the escape story to prevent himself from being killed by Dou Zun that day, you should know that before the experience, Xingqi was specially’ taken care of’ by the shadow Zun and Yan Zun.
Before coming, Xingqi felt the escape technique of the four emperors of Yanfeiyang, Emir, Borg and Vera, which will completely expose that Xingqi can’t imagine whether his own escape technique can still exist when Dou Zun is prepared.
Moreover, the escape technique in public will also bring a lot of unnecessary troubles. First of all, we must find a good reason to explain the escape technique.
But if you don’t escape now, you must not be able to rush out the first wave and the second wave of attacks. You can hold on, but then the third wave, the fourth wave and the tenth wave of attacks? Even if you escape, you will be seriously injured. So what can I do if the emperor fights again to find Bai Yu, Shuang Tian, Le San and Nie Lao to trouble himself?
Well, when Xingqi hesitated, a murderous look flashed at Xingqi. Finally, Xingqi remembered that there was more than one of them surrounded by the emperor, and the hand who fell into the river had the silver soul hook. Xingqi suddenly had a bright eye.
Xingqi looked at each other when he landed in the river. Xingqi knew that it was necessary for two people to get along with each other now, otherwise both of them would fall into the river less in born to die. That’s the way to recognize falling into the river. Of course, there is a hard battle.
"It’s snowing all over the sky!" Get the star’s eyes to respond, fall into the river, make a big noise, and the silver emperor level quarrels and lands. On the surface of the river, a big silver heron stands on the cliff quickly.
During the daytime, the heron’s wings spread, and thousands of fighting feathers spread towards the sky and went away! Bang bang! Rapidly slow down the shock wave and consume the shock wave. After all this, I fell into the river and turned into a human face again. I quickly put a few pills in my mouth and looked at Xingqi again.
【 Chapter 256 】 North Qi Feng War Seven 】
"Overlooking the sword and ridiculing the sky", Xingqi drinks a lot of magic, and ten huge swords are formed, which are far and straight in the firm but gentle sky.
Boom! Earth-shattering noise, like heaven and earth, a strong man with purple blond hair suddenly and violently rises from the rock with a huge sword, a flash of cold light, dozens of imaginary shadows, and ten huge swords that directly stab the colorful whirlpool in the sky.
Like heaven and earth, ten swords were pressed straight from the sky, but the firm but gentle pot was stabbed and smashed. The whole northern Qi Feng sky was oscillating and the northern Qi Feng was teetering.
Kaka! Like a silk screen, the lines are climbing rapidly from the cliff to the kilometer peak column! Pieces of rubble fell straight from the sky and hit the ground.
Bang, Xingqi once again landed out of the sword and collected it cleanly, so that the landing river quickly recovered its eyes and converged with a little infidelity.
Hum! All over the sky, the sword shadow was wiped out by the cooperative attack and defense of the landing river, and the emperor was quite surprised but still aimed at the second wave of attack in an orderly manner.
Qi Feng in the North Moon can stand for thousands of years. Of course, it is not so easy to suddenly and violently play. It has been hard for Xingqi to resist the attack of twenty emperors. The emperor did not think that a wave of attacks would kill the nebula day.
Poison! A powerful wind blew on the cliff and slammed into the river, holding a turquoise stick hook in one hand. The turquoise stick hook suddenly gave off a strong white light, which was sharp and harsh, causing extremely small waves. It can be seen that the center of the ripple fell into the river and radiated away in the distance.
"ah!" Several screams rang out from the siege of the bucket emperor, and all the bucket emperors moved with thick quarrelling towards the head and ears.
And the bucket emperor is preparing for the second wave of attacks, and it is also ruined. The sudden interruption of quarrelling and the recoil of concise quarrelling have made many bucket emperors suddenly spit out one mouthful blood again when fighting against the broken sound attack.
Yan Feiyang, Vera, etc. were frightened and quarreled when they saw falling into the river and lifting the silver soul hook. The evil name of the silver soul hook was too strong, which recorded the history or said that the silver soul hook ranked the first few evil weapons, but it was said that Zhong Dou Zun was also a weapon that had been swallowed and died.
Humming with waves, the stars in the ripples are wrapped in blue aura, and their eyes are laughing and watching. They are shocked and staring at themselves falling into the river. "Hum, I won’t be prepared if I know that you have a silver soul hook."
Falling into the river finally ended the little change, but falling into the river is still not white. This fellow can break the sound attack in the middle. Even if he is prepared, he can’t be so safe. He has personally tested this weapon.
Looking up at the suspension of more than 30 fights, the emperor is slowly adapting himself to breaking the sound and falling into the river until he thinks about the only thing that can kill the nebula day. The silver soul hook can’t endure the nebula day, and it can’t stay here and now.
Jo! Falling into the river is like turning into a silver. During the day, the heron has two wings and one flies towards the horizon. Bang! Warning the falling river, Xingqi also turned into a virtual shadow from the rock burst and broke away to one side.
Xingqi is not sure to kill the river. Seeing the silver soul hook, Xingqi finally remembered that the river was Na Yan’s respect for people, and then through the residual picture, the silver soul hook was given to Yan Zun, so killing the river would be a lot of unnecessary trouble.
Hum! As soon as I fell into the river, I fled around everyone’s ears and suddenly disappeared. "You can’t go in the nebula!" Bang bang! Behing figure also came from behind idolize’s strange powerful quarrelling, and once again he slammed the sword, green and cold, and the sword was ringing.
Around the stars, although the emperor was seriously injured, his head was like a needle, but with the emperor’s level of quarrelling, he quickly pressed his hard work * * and the strong people inside and outside were lucky to be far away but pale. Some of the strong people with sensitive hearing and the spirit beast were still sitting on the ground, but Yang, Borg and Vera were weird to measure the back of falling into the river. Is it that the silver soul hook imitator is not more lethal than this? Of course, several people don’t know that the former silver soul hook is strong because of living in a perverted remnant.
Boom Xingqi had just escaped from the peak and cliff, and suddenly ten swords and mans appeared from the top of his head. It turned out that he had been watching the war for a long time and had more than ten fights. Ryuboshi was curious to run or not, but he ran not far away from them. Because he was far away from falling into the river, he was not attacked by sound breaking.
Bang! Star strange body suddenly and violently sends out powerful aura, blue aura quickly gathers star strange back and runs like a Yun Lan attached to its back.
Boom More than a dozen rapid shock wave is not strong, but it makes the breath of Xingqi still be smashed and blasted into the ground again.
Chuo-choo-hoo! Like thousands of flowers, it will block the subsequent pursuit and fight against the emperor. Like a huge amount of firm but gentle, it will fall to the ground of Xingqi, and it will twist the ground vertically and horizontally.
Hoo hoo! The emperor of the bucket came rapidly, and the momentum was firmly locked in the underground. The momentum once again hit the ground and quickly wrapped up.
Bang bang! With an aperture under the ground, the stars gasped, and a wave of firm but gentle waves hit Xuan’s clothes to spread the defense circle, so that the underground did not worry about Xuan’s clothes, and the blue aura quickly rotated around the stars to form a spherical defense.
Xuan Kun Xuan Yi Qiang can’t stand such a smash. Xing Qi quickly stuffed four four Dan into his mouth to make up for the aura that was quickly taken away by the battle suit, but his heart was suppressed by waves of momentum.
"Boss!" "Mr. Xingqi!" Enwrapped two days to see that Star Qi was once again surrounded and fled to the ground. The emperor’s power spilled quarrelling, and the two screamed until they turned into two virtual shadows and quickly left.
Le San, Nie Lao was shocked by the battle scenes of Xingqi as soon as he woke up. Two people couldn’t believe that the Han Dynasty, who was fighting alone, was a nebula and a day, and it was still a dream, so it was just a dream to watch.
But the double-day white call makes the old two people wake up with a bang in their eyes! The two bucket emperors who were guarding themselves in glamorous battle helmets became a virtual shadow were hit back by a red shadow.
"If you don’t go, you will die. You should have confidence in your boss. It’s also me who is going to watch these two guys." The red emperor fights against the white and sprinkles two sentences in two days, and goes to the emperor’s fight.
White put away the worry that Xingqi is eager, and Xingqi never plays an uncertain battle, and the boss’s strongest speed has not come out. Double-day white regards Xingqi evasion as speed.
Calm down, Bai Yu, and two people were shocked to see that they were wearing blood robes and stepping on their own figures. They were also very disdainful to the boss of Xingqi to take care of themselves and the third class, and Bai Yu was hit hard. I didn’t expect that handsome and handsome himself had not shown that powerful force. Suddenly, I found myself so vulnerable in the hands of others.

"I’ll take you home!" Seeing a flash of sadness in Bai Susu’s eyes, Ning Caichen couldn’t help but feel a pity and blurted out, but he regretted that this is not the earth, so it’s not so conservative. Generally, boys and girls don’t stay alone for a while, let alone send people home!

"ah!" Sure enough, I heard Ning Caichen spoken parts’s mr.zhou’s face turn red and grow so big. She hasn’t seen that boy as straightforward as Ning Caichen!
"Well, I mean I’ll help you push the bean curd truck back!" Ning Caichen is also somewhat embarrassed origin explained!
"No, no! I can go back not far myself. Thank you Ning Gong today! " Ning Caichen said so, Bai Susu’s face turned redder, hurriedly waved his hand and refused, then said goodbye to him and was ready to leave!
"Brother, can you protect us like today every day? !” At this moment, Bai Susu’s arms suddenly popped up with a sentence that made Bai Susu move first with a stiff face and then with a redder face. I couldn’t wait to find a place to disappear into Ning Caichen, but I was also stunned and then said!
"What want elder brother to protect you because of fear of bad guys bullying you? !”
"hmm!" Snow’s mouth beeped and nodded, and her eyes looked at Ning Caichen. "Mother said that my father had gone far away and couldn’t come back, but bad guys bullied us and bullied our mother. Xiaoxue was afraid of them, but Xiaoxue didn’t want them to bully her mother. Xiaoxue was also afraid that her mother often cried at night. Xiaoxue didn’t want her to cry because her mother cried and Xiaoxue wanted to cry .. Brother, can you still protect us after you?"
Snow White looked at Ning Caichen with a round face and big eyes full of pure expectation!
For an instant, Ning Caichen’s heart seemed to be knocked by something, and his face froze. Behind Snow White, Bai Susu almost cried. Put your hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from crying, but the tears in your eyes flowed uncontrollably!
"Don’t worry, my brother will protect you forever!" Ning Caichen rubbed his snow-white hair seriously!
"Really! Great! " The little girl’s mind is simply that she wants someone to protect herself, and no one has helped them before. Just now, Ning Caichen acted as a pawn, so that she can have a dependence on Ning Caichen in front of them!
"Well, of course it’s true!" Ning Caichen to snow seriously nods!
"Xiaoxue is gone, we should go back!" At this time, Bai Susu stopped crying and debuted!
"Oh!" Snow seems reluctant to take a look at Ning Caichen. "Goodbye, brother!"
Finally, Snow White and Bai Susu’s mother and daughter push the tofu cart away from here. Snow White seems to be very reluctant. Ning Caichen looks back from time to time until the corner is out of sight!
"What just happened!"
When Bai Susu’s mother and daughter left, Ning Caichen calmly recalled what had just happened. He found some problems. When he saw Bai Susu’s mother and daughter being bullied, his reaction would be so great. Just now, the anger was like rushing out. He was always a calm person. He should not be so impulsive, and he always had an inexplicable impulse when he first faced Bai Susu!
Wondering in my heart, I recalled a memory of Bai Susu, and finally Ning Caichen spoke a list of his mouth-
"This boring man!"
What did he know about himself? Just now, he will have some impulse. Bai Susu will have a strange feeling that his original owner had a love for Bai Susu in his heart, but he has been afraid to say that poor people have a crush on pretty widows. This is not a glorious thing. Some words in Ning Caichen seem to be in the middle of the show, and you can’t believe who said that Ning Caichen is a gentleman? Nima has a crush on widows!
"Do you want to buy a painting? !”
Ning Caichen thoughts have been aimed at his boss wang leaned in!
"Not again!"
Ning Caichen smiled and refused to pay attention to Wang’s boss’s reduction in price to keep him striding away from here. Then Ning Caichen bought two catties of rice from another rice shop and inquired about the situation of selling couplets here and the price of renting the shop! When I got back to my humble abode, it was a little dark. Ningshan had arrived home and was cooking!
"You are back!" Ningshan hello Ning Caichen way!
"Well, I’m back!" Ning Caichen should be one! Then he handed two Jin of rice to Ningshan. "I just didn’t come with two Jin of rice. Please pour it into the rice jar!"
"Ah, two catties of rice!" Ningshan was surprised to see that two catties of rice were not copper coins. He only earned five copper coins by selling and buying materials today!
"I got ten coppers!" Ning Caichen explained 1! Then he said, "By the way, let’s go to a shop one day!"
"ah! Shop! " This Ningshan can’t be calm. "Why can you make money?" !”
"You put the rice in the rice jar first, and I’ll have dinner with you later!"
"Oh, oh, good!"
Although there are ten thousand doubts in my heart, Ningshan still listens to Ning Caichen dialect!

She was hit by Shao’s tears before and after, and her four palms, strange meridians and veins all wanted to break, and she lost her fighting ability.

She knew that if she didn’t seize the opportunity to kill Shao’s tears in one fell swoop, she would be able to resist even Xiao Qiushui’s tears!
So she sent a double hook.
Shao tears in the hook is not dead.
Once Xiao Qiushui was shaken out, she stood with Shao in tears.
She tried to avoid retreating, but she felt dizzy and burst into tears.
Six hit Shao tears palm force is still strong!
Song Zhu flew out like a broken kite and flew out.
One, she didn’t rely on it, and she didn’t have the strength, just like every woman. When she fell, she fell into a male body, and that was Xiao Qiushui.
Xiao Qiushui took Song Zhu. At this time, the sun was bright, the mountains were cold and the trees were not far away. Xiao Qiushui saw this piece of white jade with a black face and beautiful eyebrows and timid lips. The bright red dress was like blood. Xiao Qiushui knew that she had to save her. She was a weak woman.
But when he looked up, the sun appeared in the dark. Before him, he was covered in blood, trembling and horrible, and Shao shed tears.
Shao tears suddenly laughed with hey hey strange laugh.
Xiao Qiushui said, "What are you laughing at?"
Shao shed tears and blood, and tears kept flowing. "I laugh at you."
Xiao Qiushui said, "What am I funny about?"
Shao looked at Xiao Qiushui with tears. "Do you know who you are holding?"
Xiao Qiushui said "Red Phoenix"
Shao looked at Xiao Qiushui with tears. "Do you know who her husband is?"
Xiao Qiushui said, "Liu Suifeng?"
Shao shed tears while laughing, bleeding and crying.
"Do you know who is willow five? ! He is the most terrible and poisonous person in the world today! If you defile his mistress, there will be a lot to see. You will suffer all your life … "
Xiao Qiushui roared, "Nonsense!"
Shao tears like laughing out of breath "not nonsense but true!" People clap to Xiao Qiushui with a palm.
Xiao Qiushui quickly put Song Zhushan away. It’s too late to take a hard hand.
Shao shed tears, although he was seriously injured, but his strength was still very strong. Xiao Qiushui even quit the seven steps and shook his body. Shao shed tears and blocked his acupuncture points.
Xiao colchicine fell unconscious Song Zhu side.
Xiao Qiushui’s dumb hole is not closed and he thunders "You-"
Shao burst into tears and laughed. Suddenly he paused and coughed up one mouthful blood.
Xiao Qiushui growled, "You don’t respect yourself when you’re dying-!"
Shao tears and tears "self-respect? I’ve been seriously injured, and I’ve died long ago without the vitality of Dan. "


A bee flies out of one end of Yu Di, and the golden tail of the bee flashes with this black poisonous light. This must be a poisonous tail sting, even if it is stabbed in Yuan infant, it will paralyze you for several times, not to mention the Dan-knot stage. It is very likely that you will become paralyzed and even a vegetative state when you are stabbed.
Lin Luo face a change back a few steps in the hands of the cloud sword has been taken out.
Lingbao people’s mouth overflowed with a smile flute, which suddenly changed from melodious sound to harsh sound. At first, the sharp chirping of the original golden bee revolving around Lingbao people turned to Lin Luo, and the two of them had received half of the tail needle and suddenly stood out for several inches. Actually, the black light shone again, and the huge eyes of the golden bee also radiated fierce light.
Lingbao people took off their mouths and said, "What about the little doll? Still want to be with me, right? If you give me your bow, I can give you a chance to live, but you have to go to a place. When you get in that place, you will never get out. That’s because the defenders warned you not to go to the place, and I can let you live. "
"Where?" Lin Luo eyes flashing while dealing with Lingbao people while thinking about ways such as defeating Lingbao people.
Lingbao people look at Lin Luo like turtles in a jar and see through Lin Luo’s mind at a glance. Does it matter if he plays tricks with a smile? "It’s called a sinkhole, and it’s said that the most mysterious place of Tianyanzong was originally sealed by the Almighty together with the sinkhole, but it’s dangerous to go in and not come out. If you want to live, you can go in and I can rest assured that I will spare your life."
Lin Luo cold hum a he naturally know what Lingbao people have in mind. This sinkhole must be a mysterious place. Obviously, all the people who go in are dead. The array guards dare not go in and say that it is extremely dangerous. It is the stage of deification. Zhongzhou has to find a master. Even Zhongzhou has a forbidden area.
"Why? Unwilling to go in? Then you have a way! " Lingbao people see Lin Luo expression way
"But I don’t know who can go this way." Lin Luo doesn’t fall in the wind at all. Although he can’t do his own kung fu, he can’t fall in the mouth. He can always occupy the same wind
Lingbao people’s eyes are even more violent. He knows that this little tiger can actually clean up the white-winged tiger in front of him. It’s really unusual for him to hear the white-winged tiger sound. Although this little tiger is very difficult to beat the white-winged tiger by shooting a bow, Lingbao people dare not be careless.
The original Lingbao people wanted to lure Lin Luo into the sinkhole by threats, but Lin Luo, a small man, had to fight World War I improperly!
Chapter 1 Dou Bao
The whimper flute sounded again. Na Di was first deep, like a sea breeze blowing on a rock, and then it sounded like a sharp and harsh battle horn. The wings of the golden bee vibrated quickly and gave off a buzz. The thumb-sized golden bee actually expanded ten times and became a fist-sized bee.
Lin Luo surly hands cloud sword oblique guide Tianyi a fighting spirit from generate.
See Lin Luo posture Lingbao people look more dignified. This Lin Luo body can actually condense out the meaning of the sword. You know, when there was a baby, the monks realized the meaning of the sword, that is, he also had a little knowledge of the meaning of the sword. I didn’t expect Lin Luo’s sword to condense so smoothly.
The golden bee suddenly stagnated. It felt a breath of fright from Lin Luo’s body. The Lingbao people saw that a drum flute on their cheeks was more intense, and they kept drumming like rain in the horn of the battlefield. When they heard this drum, the golden bee stagnated and once again came to Lin Luo with a vibration.
Lin Luo stood still like a statue with a sword in his hand. The statue was agitated by Na Di and aggressive by the golden bee. At this time, Lin Luo had the golden bee venom sting in his eyes.
The stinger Lin Luo’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and the size of the original needle tip is gradually reflected. Lin Luo’s pupil occupies the pupil everywhere, as if there is the stinger in Lin Luo’s pupil.
When the stinger approached Lin Luo, Lin Luo moved, the earth fell and the mountains shook, which made the world shake.
The tip of the needle pointed at the wheat awn, and the cloud sword stabbed the gold bee venom. With the sound of the stone hitting each other, it even gave off a little gorgeous fire. The gold bee buzzed around and quickly returned to Lingbao people, and it also sang slightly as if to tell its own pain.
Lin Luo didn’t think that the golden bee was so hard, and it was even harder than the stone. He was surprised and looked at his cloud sword for fear that it would be wounded.
Lin Luo was surprised. Lingbao people were even more surprised. He didn’t expect that the gold bee venom needle didn’t pierce Lin Luo’s seemingly tattered iron sword. The gold bee venom sting foot is comparable to that of the Six Lingbao sword, and the size of the poison needle is smaller than that of the wide cloud tip, which should be more advantageous. Then it should be said that the iron sword in this small hand should be no less than the Six Lingbao sword. Thought of this, a greedy light in Lingbao people’s eyes popped out again.
"I can’t believe that your fortune is quite rich. I am more and more curious about your identity! I have heard that the star mark of the main palace of Xingyue Palace has reached the end of Dan at the age of 20. Say it’s you. Hey, hey, don’t be too busy denying it. You’re dead anyway! Let you see what I call a Lingbao person! "
The words sound just fell and Lingbao people took out a plate of silver light, which seemed to be printed with a figure similar to Tai Chi pattern, depicting one white and one black as flowing water, especially two white and dazzling black, which was very strange. Then Lingbao people threw the plate at Lin Luo, but it seemed to be a dazzling silver light when it turned quickly, but Lin Luo knew that the silver plate’s lethality was not the silver light, but the disk’s rotating driving force hurt people. The edge of the silver plate was cut by the rotating force, which was the killer of the silver plate.
Seeing that the gray gas around was swayed by the silver light, the whistling wind was far more powerful than the Linluo steam wheel operator. The fire wheel operator paid attention to the fire power, while the cutting force was paid attention to.
Lin Luo took out the round umbrella from the bag without thinking and quickly opened it in front of him.
A buzz saw that the silver plate turned around the black round umbrella, but it couldn’t find a cutting position, so it had to turn back. Lingbao people made a strange trick to put the silver plate back into their hands easily, but his eyes looked straight at Lin Luo’s round umbrella.
"What is this? I think I should call you Lingbao, and there are so many treasures! I didn’t expect this umbrella to be able to resist the cutting force of my Tai Chi disc. It’s really powerful! "
Lingbao people looked at Lin Luo strangely and spoke with a splash and swallowed a mouthful of saliva
Lin Luo gently shook his hand, which was numb because his hand was covered by a round umbrella. Lingbao people didn’t see it, which made Lin Luo look more relaxed. Lin Luo’s mouth was cold and his eyes were full of dignity. If it wasn’t for the round umbrella to protect Lin Luo, it would be a big blow. I still feel that the hand meridians are a little messy for a long time to calm down.
"I have three treasures called Lingbao people, and this Tai Chi plate is the one that has followed me for the most years. I rely on this Tai Chi plate to cross the Dandan period in Zhongzhou, but I can come from behind the enemy lines and I got a golden bee tamed by Yu Di in the ruins. This is my second treasure."
Lingbao people’s eyes are cold. I don’t know if Lin Luo suddenly came to Lin Luo because of this.
"But few people saw my third treasure die on the spot because they saw the third treasure!" Lingbao people’s eyes changed and they were full of crazy colors. Then they dug out a jade Jane in their hands. As soon as the jade Jane was exposed, there was a rush of aura. You can see that the jade Jane depicts an ancient handwriting that scares people’s souls as if it were a thunder word. Lin Luo’s conduits are not good. It turns out that this youngest son is paving the way here.
"Five talisman wahoo silver flower operator! Hum, hum, how can you spell me? I am a Lingbao person! Treasure hunt expert! " Lingbao people are screaming and their eyes are red and seemingly crazy.
Although it is troublesome to clean up Lin Luo, it is less than five talismans, especially the wahoo silver flower charm, but when attacking the talisman, Lingbao people are shocked by Lin Luo’s taking out treasures again and again. The nickname Lingbao people is called Lingbao people. How can he allow a younger person to have more treasures than him? Only when his head is hot, he takes out this wahoo silver flower charm, but it is a secret that Lingbao people find it by chance.
Lin Luo was really taken aback when he heard the silver flower symbol of the wahoo. For the talisman, he knew that there were three types of thunder in the talisman. The thunder attribute of the fire attribute was the most offensive. Perhaps only one of the thousands of talisman can practice the Friar Leifu, but the advanced Leifu is even rarer. It can be said that the silver flower symbol of the wahoo surprised the friar in the deification period, but it threatened the almighty Lin Luo in the deification period. He was the external operator who learned that there were five attributes of fire, water and soil in Jin Mu.
When the five symbols are used, the paper will inherit the spirit force. At this time, the jade slips are used as the paper to describe the spirit force, and one advantage of the spirit force is that it can be used for many times. For example, this flaming tree and silver flower charm can generally make the jade simple and dim for ten times, and the jade will be simplified and broken. However, the jade slips in the hands of Lingbao people are still very dazzling. It is just a few times that the spirit force has been used.
Lin Luolai didn’t want Lingbao people to have a high-level coffin, because the jade slips in Lingbao people’s hands had burst out with a bang, and a dazzling white thunderbolt spread out from Lingbao people’s hands like a branch, and dozens of thunderbolts extended from the main branches in Lingbao people’s hands, which looked like talking about Raytheon, while Lin Luo seemed that the thunderbolts were like an impenetrable net and did not evade him.
Fire tree, silver flower, thunder, five charms, attack power, six stars, defense power and vitality
Aside, Bai Feng was almost scared and looked at the thunderbolt with a look of despair in her eyes.
But the more Lin Luo faced such a scene, the more calm his heart became. He was thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind, but several Zhang Ling symbols appeared in his hands. It turned out that Fu Linluo threw the rocket symbol with one hand and whizzed it into a sea of fire. Dozens of rockets flew out of the sea of clouds, burning rockets like soldiers flying rows of spears to the oncoming thunderbolt.
Bang bang bang!
The continuous collision of sound, fire and thunder stirred up a burst of earth-shattering sound. This audio-visual is the roaring sea water hitting the coastal reef, and the gas explosion force generated by the collision of the two will overturn Lin Luo and Lingbao people at the same time. Even the nearby white maple did not avoid being knocked off and stumbled to the ground.
Lingbao is messy and dusty, but he doesn’t care. Besides, Lingbao people are sloppy.
"You, where did you get so many four-character charms?" Lingbao people look incredible with horror, and take out several four-spirit charms like wiping paper. What a big deal!
Lingbao people didn’t see Lin Luo’s dreary exercise when he threw the talisman. It was worse than hemorrhoids.
The five-charm is ten times more powerful than the four-charm. Among the four-charm of Lin Luo, the most powerful attack charm is ten, and one five-charm is for Lingbao people, which makes Lin Luo change the odds.
You stung me with a golden bee, my sword resisted you, my taiji disc cut me, and my round umbrella dissolved. When you made the talisman, Lin Luo, the talisman, finally stopped waving his hand, that is, bleeding blood and several rocket symbols.
Lin Luo’s eyes flashed tightly and asked, "Where did your five charms come from?"
As far as Lin Luo knows, there has never been a five-charm in Zhongzhou. Because Zhongzhou doesn’t produce jade slips made by the jade crystal root system, then the five-charm is made by law. If there are several jade slips in Zhongzhou, it is that the big family brother brought them back from the big state outside, but how can Lingbao people have them? Lin Luobai is puzzled.
"Hum" Lingbao people are cold-mouthed, but they didn’t answer Lin Luo’s words. Because this involves secrets in his heart, and he has already seen that Lin Luo is not easy to deal with. Who knows how many charms there are in him? If there are five charms … It’s best to expose some secrets less when you can’t kill a person.
"I can’t kill you, but I will stay here forever. If your family wants to kill me, just come and I’ll wait for you!" Say that finish Lingbao people eyes peep out one silk nai will leave.
Lin Luo is not so accommodating at this time. He grunted, "Come and go as you like. When this is your home! If you don’t keep the treasure, you will choose! "
Hear Lin Luo so big Lingbao people chest choking thirty years Hedong thirty years Hexi this role has changed, but Lingbao people pay and have no ability to kill Lin Luo. What’s worse, there is also a eyeing companion next to the crowd. Lingbao people naturally can’t underestimate Bai Feng’s subtle thinking eyes. "Do you want to know the secret of the five charms? Hey, hey, come with me to the sinkhole. If you are lucky, you will get something! "
After saying this, Lingbao people quickly flew away without giving Lin Luo a chance to speak.
"Tiankeng ….." Lin Luo dew looked at Lingbao people with curiosity and muttered in the direction of flying away.
Chapter 11 Traps
"Brother Wu, you mustn’t be that bad old man. We mustn’t go to any sinkhole. I think it must be very dangerous!" Bai Feng also heard the last sentence of Lingbao people combined with Lin Luo’s eager expression and immediately stopped Lin Luo.
Lin Luo looked at Bai Feng anxiously and sighed gently. How can Bai Feng know the importance of the charm to himself? It is as important as that of a sword maker who loves swords and flowers. When a thief sees a beautiful woman, her heart really itches like a cat scratching.