




1. 清热解毒:早莲草性寒,能够清热解毒,对于感冒发热、咽喉肿痛等热性疾病有很好的疗效。

2. 利湿退黄:早莲草具有利湿退黄的功效,对于湿热内蕴、黄疸等症状有显著的治疗作用。

3. 养心益肾:早莲草可以养心益肾,对于心悸、失眠、腰膝酸软等肾虚症状有较好的缓解作用。

4. 延缓衰老:早莲草中的多种营养成分,如氨基酸、维生素等,可以增强人体免疫力,延缓衰老。


1. 泡茶:将早莲草与绿茶、菊花等茶叶一起泡水饮用,可以起到清热解毒、护肝养肾的作用。

2. 煲汤:将早莲草与排骨、枸杞等食材一起煲汤,可以起到养心益肾、增强免疫力的作用。

3. 烹饪:将早莲草作为食材,可以用于炒菜、炖汤等,既能增加菜肴的口感,又能养生保健。








1. 每天补充适量的氨糖软骨素,以维持关节健康。

2. 保持良好的生活习惯,避免过度劳累,适当进行关节锻炼。

3. 注意饮食均衡,摄入足够的蛋白质、钙、镁等营养素,以支持关节健康。

4. 避免长时间保持同一姿势,定期变换姿势,减轻关节负担。



1. **清热解毒**:马齿苋中含有丰富的黄酮类化合物和多种维生素,具有很好的清热解毒作用。适用于治疗热毒病症、疮疖肿毒等症状。

2. **抗菌消炎**:马齿苋对大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌等均有较强的抑制作用,尤其是对痢疾杆菌的作用显著,适合患有急慢性痢疾、肠炎以及膀胱炎、尿道炎的人食用。

3. **改善心血管健康**:马齿苋中含有丰富的y-3脂肪酸,能够抑制人体内血清胆固醇和甘油三酯的生成,预防血小板聚集、冠状动脉痉挛和血栓形成,对防治心血管疾病有一定的作用。

4. **保肝护肾**:马齿苋中的某些成分有助于肝脏和肾脏的排毒和修复,对肝脏疾病和肾脏功能不佳有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **清热凉血,止血**:马齿苋能清热凉血,对一些血热症状如鼻出血、牙龈出血等有一定的止血作用。

6. **促进肠道健康**:马齿苋富含膳食纤维和植物黏液,能够增加肠道蠕动,促进排便,缓解便秘问题。

7. **降低血糖**:马齿苋含有高浓度的去甲肾上腺素,能促进胰岛的分泌,调节人体内的糖代谢,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **消肿散结**:马齿苋对体内有害物质有排除抑制作用,有助于消肿散结,对甲状腺结节等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **美容养颜**:马齿苋中的铁元素和维生素C有助于补充血液中的铁元素,提高血红蛋白含量,改善贫血状况,同时具有美容养颜的效果。

10. **增强免疫力**:马齿苋中的黄酮类化合物和抗氧化物质具有抗炎和抗氧化作用,能够增强免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防感冒和其他疾病。




1. 降血糖:桑叶茶中的生物碱成分可以刺激胰岛素分泌,降低血糖,对糖尿病患者有很好的辅助治疗作用。

2. 降血脂:桑叶茶中的黄酮类物质可以降低血脂,预防心血管疾病。

3. 降血压:桑叶茶中的天然活性成分可以扩张血管,降低血压,对高血压患者有一定的缓解作用。

4. 抗菌、抗病毒:桑叶茶中的多种生物碱和黄酮类物质具有抗菌、抗病毒的作用,可以提高免疫力。

5. 抗氧化、抗衰老:桑叶茶中的天然抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

6. 美容、祛斑:桑叶茶中的多种维生素和微量元素可以滋养肌肤,美白祛斑。

7. 清肝明目:桑叶茶中的生物碱和氨基酸成分可以缓解眼疲劳,改善视力。

8. 润肺止咳:桑叶茶中的多种成分可以滋润肺部,缓解咳嗽。


1. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女不宜饮用:桑叶茶中的某些成分可能会影响胎儿和婴儿的健康。

2. 脾胃虚寒者慎用:桑叶茶性质偏寒,脾胃虚寒者饮用可能会加重症状。

3. 服用药物者需咨询医生:桑叶茶中的某些成分可能会与药物产生相互作用,影响药效。

4. 过敏体质者慎用:部分人可能对桑叶或桑叶茶中的成分过敏,出现不适。




1. 芦根:味甘、性寒,归肺、胃经。具有清热解毒、生津止渴、利尿消肿等功效。芦根中的芦根素、芦根苷等成分,具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎等作用。

2. 茅根:味甘、性寒,归肺、胃、膀胱经。具有清热解毒、凉血止血、利尿消肿等功效。茅根中的茅根素、茅根苷等成分,具有抗炎、抗病毒、抗菌等作用。

3. 葛根:味甘、性平,归脾、胃、肺经。具有解肌退热、生津止渴、升阳止泻等功效。葛根中的葛根素、葛根苷等成分,具有抗炎、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等作用。


1. 清热解毒:三根汤中的芦根、茅根、葛根均具有清热解毒的功效,适用于外感发热、咽喉肿痛、痈疮肿毒等病症。

2. 生津止渴:三根汤中的芦根、葛根均具有生津止渴的功效,适用于口干舌燥、烦渴多饮、消渴等病症。

3. 利水消肿:三根汤中的茅根具有利水消肿的功效,适用于水肿、小便不利、脚气等病症。

4. 抗菌消炎:三根汤中的芦根、茅根、葛根均具有抗菌消炎的作用,适用于多种感染性疾病。

5. 抗病毒:三根汤中的芦根、茅根、葛根均具有抗病毒的作用,适用于流感、腮腺炎等病毒性疾病。


1. 小儿发热:三根汤适用于小儿外感发热、烦躁不安、渴喜冷饮、溲黄等症状。

2. 成人发热:三根汤适用于成人外感发热、口干舌燥、烦躁不安等症状。

3. 水肿患者:三根汤适用于水肿、小便不利、脚气等症状。

4. 感染性疾病患者:三根汤适用于流感、腮腺炎、痈疮肿毒等感染性疾病。






















1. 健脾养胃:向天果中的氨基酸和矿物质成分有助于调节肠胃功能,改善消化不良、食欲不振等问题。

2. 抗疲劳:向天果中的营养成分可以补充人体能量,提高工作效率,减轻疲劳。

3. 降低血糖:向天果中的活性成分具有降低血糖的作用,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. 抗癌:向天果中的多酚类化合物具有抗癌作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。


1. 取适量向天果果实,洗净后切成小块。

2. 将向天果块放入杯中,加入适量开水。

3. 稍微浸泡片刻,待水温降至适宜饮用时,即可饮用。

4. 每日饮用1-2次,长期坚持,效果更佳。


Before I rushed to the car, Wang Xiaopeng instantly removed the car key from the object ring and opened the door. Wang Xiaopeng held me and rushed to the car, then opened the back door of the car and put me in the back carefully.

I just sat in the back of the car, and Koji Kato took his hands and gathered around the car. Koji Kato also got into the back of the car.
"Lv Xiaoran, I need a reasonable explanation." Little Kato Jun stared at me with an unhappy expression.
"As you see, something has changed, and the game is going on normally." I smiled and said I was sorry when I met Xiao Kato’s sight.
At the moment, I deeply believe that I have read a sentence that when a person suddenly calls out another name abnormally, he either confesses or prepares to beat another person up.
Xiao Kato Jun’s reaction obviously belongs to the last one.
"Treat me like a monkey for fun?" Little Kato Jun sank his face and snorted coldly.
"I’m sorry, Kato Jun, but I want to explain to you later and make amends." Wang Zhoupeng held me all the way and the blaster made me feel sweet in my throat again.
I resisted the urge to spray blood, but it was always difficult to continue to endure the words. After I finished speaking, I directly spit out another mouthful of blood, which was all stained on the clothes of Xiao Kato Jun.
Blood spurted out and I felt dizzy. I immediately bit the tip of my tongue and kept myself awake.
At this moment, it is impossible for Wang Zhoupeng to take me away from Kato Jun’s hands without moving a sword. I have to be awake to be able to promote things and solve the Jinsibu number peacefully.
From the beginning, I summoned Kokato Jun to the ancient house, and there was no step in my so-called game. My current situation made me make up another step temporarily, and I couldn’t make it up at all.
Little Kato Jun is not stupid. Even if I can invent a game step, he won’t believe me again. So I choose to apologize directly.
"Long Ye" has Xiao Kato Jun’s hand and immediately handed it to Xiao Kato Jun’s tissue.
"Lv Xiaoran, I’m waiting for you to explain and apologize." Little Kato Jun stretched out his hand and handed me a paper towel to stare at me. After he finished speaking, he slammed the door after going out from the back of the car
It’s a relief to see Mr. Kato finally let me go
After Wang Zhoupeng drove away from the original place, I teleported Goo Zi from the Yinzhu, stopped suppressing the dizziness and put myself into a faint state.
When I woke up again, I saw that I was on the second floor of Wang Zhuopeng’s restaurant and felt my physical condition. I knew that my body had recovered.
Wang Zhoupeng and Wang sledgehammer Jesse sat around tatami and kept silent. The expression was not relaxed.
Goose boy is keeping his body parallel to me, hanging me square and staring at me with a small face.
The first time I woke up, goo-goo, I contacted and asked if I felt anything uncomfortable.
I praise Goo Zi’s wonderful hand to rejuvenate and tell Goo Zi that I am in great health at the moment.
"Sister Ran, I will tell grandma and brother Li and brother Ming what happened today." Goo Tsai’s tight face soothes a lot of sulks and throws them at me, and then returns to Yinzhu directly.
"Xiao Ran woke up and felt like" before I could cry and cry because of Goo Zi’s reaction, Wang Zhoupeng asked me.
"I feel good and I’m fine." I sat up from the tatami in response to Wang Zhoupeng’s inquiry.
"Boss, it’s really okay if you slow down. Don’t go hard." Wang sledgehammer hurriedly went to hug a bed and was brought over behind me.
"Boss, you drink some water." Jesse slipped to pour a cup of hot water and handed it to me.
"How to drink water when it’s so hot?" Wang sledgehammer took Jesse’s water glass and handed it to me. Jesse was at a loss to stand in front of me.
"What are you nervous about? I said I’m all right." I smiled at Wang Zhoupeng and Wang sledgehammer Jesse.
I have experienced too many scenes like this, and every time I feel grateful, every time I am glad that I have these hearts around me.
"Boss is so badly injured, how can we not be nervous? Boss, you didn’t see that when my dad brought you back, your face was as white as white as white powder." Wang sledgehammer answered me with cold water.
"Wang Shu, I’m fine." When I heard Wang Hammer’s words, I glanced at Wang Hammer and saw that he was still frowning.
"This time, thanks to Xiao Ran, the ghost was successfully solved. Xiao Ran was injured, and Wang Shu was uneasy in my heart." Wang sledgehammer sighed that he did not successfully solve the target ghost joy at all.
"Wang Shu is worried that Li will blame you and I won’t know if we don’t reveal the secret." The difficulty in Wang Zhoupeng’s discourse center made me think that he was worried about Dan Tai Li’s blame for the first time.
"It’s not that I feel deeply indebted." Wang Zhoupeng denied it.
"Wang Shu doesn’t feel indebted or how can I help Wang Shu? This injury is nothing." I got up from tatami and Wang Zhoupeng left.
Wang Xiaopeng insisted that I stay in the restaurant that night.
After Wang Zhoupeng and Wang sledgehammer Jesse left the room, I washed, changed clothes and packed properly, and then I started to contact the white tiger spirit and let it start teaching me how to control it.
White tiger spirit didn’t refuse. Cold asked me if my environment was absolutely safe at the moment.
When I heard Bai Hu Jing-po’s inquiry, I glanced at my environment and truthfully told Bai Hu Jing-po that my present environment was not safe.
The white tiger spirit can’t start teaching me how to control it until I find a place to live.
I was surprised to hear what the white tiger spirit said and asked it. What is the reason?
The white tiger spirit told me that the initial practice, such as controlling its suffocation, must not be interrupted, and I must first find a safe place.
I agreed to ask Bai Hu Jing-po again. When he said how long the initial moment would take, Bai Hu Jing-po said that it might be a long time or a short time. Everything depends on my understanding.
Without waiting for me to ask about the white tiger spirit, I will continue to pronounce it, saying that if I can successfully pass the initial moment, then I can start practicing at any time and stop at any place, and I can completely control it when I can. My perseverance and qualifications are inseparable.
To put it bluntly, I’ll be silent as soon as I find a place to live.
Thinking of the abnormal character of the body, Qinglong Jingjiao is still abnormal. I asked the White Tiger Jingjiao Qinglong Jingjiao if there were any advantages and disadvantages.
The white tiger spirit said that it thought about it. After a short silence, it told me that Qinglong spirit has always been fanatically pursuing power. Nothing can make Qinglong spirit forget more than the chaos of heaven and earth.
When I heard the words of the white tiger, I immediately thought of my object ring, which was absorbed by ancient lamps from time to time and then released, which filled the whole object ring with chaos when the world began to emerge.
I told the white tiger that I really had chaos when heaven and earth began. I asked the white tiger that it was like the dragon that had entered the body at the moment, and I should seduce the dragon with chaos.
The white tiger’s cold voice has a starting point, and he is surprised to say that he will not be able to answer my question for a while, and then tell me the answer after he thinks it over carefully.
Look at the White Tiger Spirit and give me the answer at that time. I disconnected from the White Tiger Spirit and began to urge the fifth floor of the bamboo slips to be cleaned up in the early morning and left the room.
When I got to the first floor, Wang Xiaopeng had already cooked the meal, and I would eat it immediately after I got there.

"I’ll take you home!" Seeing a flash of sadness in Bai Susu’s eyes, Ning Caichen couldn’t help but feel a pity and blurted out, but he regretted that this is not the earth, so it’s not so conservative. Generally, boys and girls don’t stay alone for a while, let alone send people home!

"ah!" Sure enough, I heard Ning Caichen spoken parts’s mr.zhou’s face turn red and grow so big. She hasn’t seen that boy as straightforward as Ning Caichen!
"Well, I mean I’ll help you push the bean curd truck back!" Ning Caichen is also somewhat embarrassed origin explained!
"No, no! I can go back not far myself. Thank you Ning Gong today! " Ning Caichen said so, Bai Susu’s face turned redder, hurriedly waved his hand and refused, then said goodbye to him and was ready to leave!
"Brother, can you protect us like today every day? !” At this moment, Bai Susu’s arms suddenly popped up with a sentence that made Bai Susu move first with a stiff face and then with a redder face. I couldn’t wait to find a place to disappear into Ning Caichen, but I was also stunned and then said!
"What want elder brother to protect you because of fear of bad guys bullying you? !”
"hmm!" Snow’s mouth beeped and nodded, and her eyes looked at Ning Caichen. "Mother said that my father had gone far away and couldn’t come back, but bad guys bullied us and bullied our mother. Xiaoxue was afraid of them, but Xiaoxue didn’t want them to bully her mother. Xiaoxue was also afraid that her mother often cried at night. Xiaoxue didn’t want her to cry because her mother cried and Xiaoxue wanted to cry .. Brother, can you still protect us after you?"
Snow White looked at Ning Caichen with a round face and big eyes full of pure expectation!
For an instant, Ning Caichen’s heart seemed to be knocked by something, and his face froze. Behind Snow White, Bai Susu almost cried. Put your hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from crying, but the tears in your eyes flowed uncontrollably!
"Don’t worry, my brother will protect you forever!" Ning Caichen rubbed his snow-white hair seriously!
"Really! Great! " The little girl’s mind is simply that she wants someone to protect herself, and no one has helped them before. Just now, Ning Caichen acted as a pawn, so that she can have a dependence on Ning Caichen in front of them!
"Well, of course it’s true!" Ning Caichen to snow seriously nods!
"Xiaoxue is gone, we should go back!" At this time, Bai Susu stopped crying and debuted!
"Oh!" Snow seems reluctant to take a look at Ning Caichen. "Goodbye, brother!"
Finally, Snow White and Bai Susu’s mother and daughter push the tofu cart away from here. Snow White seems to be very reluctant. Ning Caichen looks back from time to time until the corner is out of sight!
"What just happened!"
When Bai Susu’s mother and daughter left, Ning Caichen calmly recalled what had just happened. He found some problems. When he saw Bai Susu’s mother and daughter being bullied, his reaction would be so great. Just now, the anger was like rushing out. He was always a calm person. He should not be so impulsive, and he always had an inexplicable impulse when he first faced Bai Susu!
Wondering in my heart, I recalled a memory of Bai Susu, and finally Ning Caichen spoke a list of his mouth-
"This boring man!"
What did he know about himself? Just now, he will have some impulse. Bai Susu will have a strange feeling that his original owner had a love for Bai Susu in his heart, but he has been afraid to say that poor people have a crush on pretty widows. This is not a glorious thing. Some words in Ning Caichen seem to be in the middle of the show, and you can’t believe who said that Ning Caichen is a gentleman? Nima has a crush on widows!
"Do you want to buy a painting? !”
Ning Caichen thoughts have been aimed at his boss wang leaned in!
"Not again!"
Ning Caichen smiled and refused to pay attention to Wang’s boss’s reduction in price to keep him striding away from here. Then Ning Caichen bought two catties of rice from another rice shop and inquired about the situation of selling couplets here and the price of renting the shop! When I got back to my humble abode, it was a little dark. Ningshan had arrived home and was cooking!
"You are back!" Ningshan hello Ning Caichen way!
"Well, I’m back!" Ning Caichen should be one! Then he handed two Jin of rice to Ningshan. "I just didn’t come with two Jin of rice. Please pour it into the rice jar!"
"Ah, two catties of rice!" Ningshan was surprised to see that two catties of rice were not copper coins. He only earned five copper coins by selling and buying materials today!
"I got ten coppers!" Ning Caichen explained 1! Then he said, "By the way, let’s go to a shop one day!"
"ah! Shop! " This Ningshan can’t be calm. "Why can you make money?" !”
"You put the rice in the rice jar first, and I’ll have dinner with you later!"
"Oh, oh, good!"
Although there are ten thousand doubts in my heart, Ningshan still listens to Ning Caichen dialect!